Visiting guests

Visiting guests

Custom tailored Training for Visiting guests
in accordion, piano, guitar, voice ...

All ages, levels and styles! 

6 to 20 weeks picked freely according to your schedule

Perfect for

- Young talents still in high school. They come for regular workshops throughout the year during their school break.

- For pros or non pros that have specific needs and want a custom made training schedule. 

Pre-registration form

Options (minimum age 14 ans)

Conservatory diplomas

accordion, piano, guitar, voice

Intensive preparation for the instrumental UV (value unit) of the BEM-CEM-DEM of the Gennevilliers conservatory with which the CNIMA has a partnership agreement. 8 workshops per year. Exam in June.

Entrance exam or Bachelor 1/2/3 of the Royal Conservatory of Mons
classical accordion DEM level and more!

Thanks to our close and privileged collaboration with the Royal Conservatory of Mons (Belgium) and its teacher Olivier Douyez, the CNIMA can :

- If you are of a classic DEM level:

Prepare you for the admission exam to the BACHELOR 1st year of the Mons Conservatory. 2 workshops in April plus 4 summer workshops. Admission exam at the end of August / beginning of September.

-If you have been admitted to the MONS conservatory:

You can do your BACHELOR 1, 2 and 3 at the CNIMA with 8 workshops during school breaks. At the end of each workshop, a work program will be given to you.

This visiting guest program at the CNIMA allows you to obtain the full BACHELOR very early (17/18 years old) (equivalent to a BAC +3 license)

- Instead of the very difficult admission exam to join the other Pole Supérieur (several candidates for 1 or 2 places), if you are at the level, you are automatically admitted in Mons.
- Once you have obtained the BACHELOR, you can apply for admission to a MASTER class in any other Pole Supérieurs. The CNIMA can help you prepare for the entrance examination.

Graduate studies cycle entrance exam

classical accordion DEM level and more!

Preparation for the admission exam for Poles Supérieurs, CNSM of Paris, Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne ...

Major international accordion competitions

CNIMA has a French state quality trademark "Qualiopi".

It has trained over 1500 students over the past 5 years. 

100 % success rate at Conservatory exams

Registration form for visiting guests

Formulaire d'inscription aux stages

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